Ven a la selva para conocer a Tico Tango y sus amigos animales. Tico Tango quiere toda la fruta del bosque, aunque sea de otros animales. ¿Aprenderá lo que está bien y lo que está mal? El texto en rima enseña colores y animales, así como una importante lección sobre cómo compartir.
English Description:
Come down to the rainforest to meet Tico Tango and his animal friends. Tico Tango wants all of the fruit in the forest, even though it belongs to other animals. Will he learn what's right and wrong? The rhyming text teaches colors and animals, as well as an important lesson about sharing.
Author : Anna Witte
Type of Spanish : Translated
Reading Grade Level: Kindergarten
Genre: Fiction
Sub-Genre: Fantasy, Fiction
Theme: Nature, Animals, Colors, Community