Noel y su familia llegan a vivir a Los Peumos para empezar de nuevo y concentrarse en el futuro. Pero Noel encontrará un antiguo espejo en el desván que lo hará viajar –literalmente– al pasado, a la década de los 80, cuando la adolescente Enid vivía en esa casa. Nacerá entre ellos algo más que una amistad, teñida por un fatídico destino que Noel intentará evitar.
English Description:
Noel and his family come to live in Los Peumos to start over and focus on the future. But Noel will find an old mirror in the attic that will make him travel - literally - to the past, to the 80s, when the teenage Enid lived in that house. Something more than a friendship will be born between them, tinged with a fateful destiny that Noel will try to avoid.
Author : Jaime Herrera D’Arcangeli
Type of Spanish : Authentic
Reading Grade Level: 9th-12th
Genre: Fiction
Sub-Genre: Fantasy, Fiction
Theme: Romance, Friendship, Adventure