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El Mago de Oz

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El maravilloso Mago de Oz fue publicado por primera vez en Estados Unidos el año 1900. Desde entonces se ha convertido en un clásico de la literatura infantil, siendo traducido y editado en varios idiomas. Su autor, Lyman Frank Baum nos relata la historia de Dorothy, una niña que a causa de un tornado es trasladada junto a su casa y a su perro al Mágico Reino de Oz. En esta tierra conoce a un espantapájaros sin cerebro, un hombre de hojalata sin corazón y un león cobarde. Juntos emprenden el viaje por el camino amarillo hacia la Ciudad Esmeralda para conocer al gran Mago de Oz y pedirle su ayuda. En Amanuta hicimos una adaptación para los más pequeños, escrita por Paulina Jara e ilustrada por Margarita Valdés.



English Description:

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was first published in the United States in 1900. Since then it has become a classic of children's literature, being translated and published in several languages. Its author, Lyman Frank Baum, tells us the story of Dorothy, a girl who, due to a tornado, is transferred along with her house and her dog to the Magical Kingdom of Oz. In this land she meets a brainless scarecrow, a heartless tin man and a cowardly lion. Together they set out on the journey down the yellow road to the Emerald City to meet the great Wizard of Oz and ask for his help. At Amanuta we made an adaptation for the little ones, written by Paulina Jara and illustrated by Margarita Valdés.

Publishing Details

Author : Paulina Jara

Illustrator : Margarita Valdés

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Board

Cover: Board

Pages: 20

Year Published: 2021

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: PreK - K

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction

Theme: Identity, Friendship, Family, Adventure, Animals

Lesson Plan Link: Link