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El Ojo de Vidrio

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Luis llega a Los Ángeles a pasar sus vacaciones de verano con sus tíos, a quienes apenas conoce. Desde su llegada se entiende bien con su primo Teo, quien lo introduce en su mundo de pankrocker, con fiestas interminables en las que abunda cerveza, hierba y algo más, y con chicos que bailan lanzándose unos contra otros creando remolinos tan violentos como los que se forman en la cabeza de Luis cada vez que piensa en Sofía. Ha pasado medio año desde la última vez que la vio, pero el azar vuelve a ponérsela enfrente, justo ahí, en Los Ángeles. Después de todas las malaventuras que han compartido, Luis sabe que seguirla es suicida, pero el imán que es Sofía lo atrae de nuevo y pronto se ve envuelto en persecuciones, crímenes, desapariciones y, lo peor, frente al tipo que había jurado matarlos hace años: el Ojo de Vidrio.


English Description:

Luis arrives in Los Angeles to spend his summer vacation with his aunt and uncle, whom he barely knows. Since his arrival he gets on well with his cousin Teo, who introduces him to his world of pankrocker, with endless parties where beer, grass and something else abound, and with boys who dance throwing themselves against each other creating whirlpools as violent as those they form in Luis's head every time he thinks of Sofía. Half a year has passed since the last time he saw her, but chance puts her back in front of her, right there, in Los Angeles. After all the bad adventures they have shared, Luis knows that following her is suicidal, but the magnet that is Sofía attracts him again and soon he finds himself involved in persecutions, crimes, disappearances and, worst of all, in front of the guy who had sworn to kill them before. years: the Glass Eye.

Publishing Details

Author : Antonio Ortuño

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Chapter

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 200

Year Published: 2018

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 9th-12th

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction

Theme: Romance, Mystery, Friendship, Family, Adventure, Drama, Conflict