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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

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El oso del hielo

Regular price $15.99
Sale price $15.99

Enorme, magnífico y solitario, un oso polar se mueve a través del helado Ártico. Cazadora poderosa, nadadora incansable, madre tierna, compañera de juegos gentil, está perfectamente adaptada para sobrevivir, incluso prosperar, en este clima duro y helado. Escrito en un lenguaje poético entremezclado con hechos fascinantes, Nicola Davies cuenta la impresionante historia de este enorme animal blanco y crudo que cobra vida en llamativas pinturas de Gary Blythe. Así como las personas inuit han observado y aprendido de esta increíble criatura durante generaciones, los lectores están invitados a presenciar la majestuosidad del oso polar. La materia posterior incluye una nota sobre los osos polares y un índice.



English Description:

Huge, magnificent and lonely, a polar bear moves through the frozen Arctic. Powerful hunter, tireless swimmer, tender mother, gentle playmate, she is perfectly suited to survive, even thrive, in this harsh and icy climate. Written in poetic language interspersed with fascinating facts, Nicola Davies tells the impressive story of this huge raw white animal brought to life in striking paintings by Gary Blythe. Just as Inuit people have watched and learned from this incredible creature for generations, readers are invited to witness the majesty of the polar bear. Subsequent material includes a note on polar bears and an index.