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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

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El primer verano del zorro

Regular price $11.95
Sale price $11.95

Sigue a este joven zorro rojo durante los primeros meses de su vida, mientras explora el mundo a su alrededor. Tiene aproximadamente un mes de nacido cuando sale de su madriguera por primera vez. Observa mientras él aprende a cazar mediante juegos y utilizando sus sentidos. Nota los cambios mientras crece y pasa de ser un zorrezno a un zorro joven. Después de todo, para el próximo verano, ¡él tendrá a sus propias crías! La fotógrafa naturalista y educadora ambiental Mary Holland ha capturado El primer verano del zorro Fernando de tal modo que les atrapará el corazón a los niños.


English Description:

Follow this photographic journal of a red fox as he explores the world around him during the first few months of his life. He’s about a month old when he first comes out of the den. Watch as he learns to hunt through play and by using his senses. See the changes as he grows from a young kit to a young fox. After all, by the next summer, he’ll have kits of his own! Naturalist photographer and environmental educator Mary Holland has captured Ferdinand Fox’s First Summer in a way that is sure to grab children’s hearts.