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El sabio distraído

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Parece que Pedro, el protagonista de esta historia, nunca pone atención. Sus papás le piden que haga algo y él hace lo contrario; le piden una cosa y él lleva otra. Cuando su maestra le hace una pregunta, él no puede responder pues está pensando en otra cosa. Todos podrían creer que Pedro siempre está distraído, pero no es así: él pone mucha atención en las cosas que aparentemente no son tan importantes.


English Description:

It seems that Pedro, the protagonist of this story, never pays attention. His parents ask him to do something and he does the opposite; They ask him for one thing and he brings another. When his teacher asks him a question, he cannot answer because he is thinking of something else. Everyone might think that Pedro is always distracted, but that's not the case: he pays a lot of attention to things that apparently aren't that important.

Publishing Details

Author : Ana Maria Machado

Illustrator : Anna Cunha

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 48

Year Published: 2013

Instructional Details

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction

Theme: Friendship, Family, Community