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El Sueno de Una Alubia

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Cubierto cómodamente por la tierra, la semilla de frijol duerme, esperando que la gota de lluvia haga realidad su sueño: ser deslumbrante, con hojas y flores. "" "" En este libro, los lectores exploran el ciclo de vida de las plantas de una manera diferente : a través de poesía y bellas ilustraciones en acuarela que invitan a la imaginación.


English Description:

Covered comfortably by the earth, the bean seed sleeps, waiting for the raindrop to make its dream come true: to be dazzling, with leaves and flowers.  In this book, readers explore the life cycle of plants in a different way: through poetry and beautiful, imaginative watercolor illustrations.

Publishing Details

Author : Eduardo Carrera

Illustrator : Amanda Mijangos

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Cover: Softcover

Year Published: 2015

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 4th

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction

Theme: Nature, Environment