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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.
Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Ema y pajarito

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Pajarito es una ave que tiene sus alas en perfecto estado, pero no vuela. Hace mucho tiempo que dejó de hacerlo y todos los inviernos se cobija en su nido para soportar el frío. Hasta que, una noche, una poderosa tormenta destroza la rama que sostiene su hogar y lo arrastra hasta la ventana de Ema, una anciana voluntariosa de dedos torcidos. Tras trizar el vidrio de la ventana con el golpe de su cuerpo, Pajarito se ve obligado a quedarse allí y pagar con trabajo los daños ocasionados. En aquella estadía iniciará un viaje interno que lo llevará a recordar quién es y, tal vez, quién quiere llegar a ser.


Little Bird is a bird that has its wings in perfect condition, but it doesn't fly. It stopped doing it a long time ago and every winter it takes shelter in its nest to withstand the cold. Until, one night, a powerful storm destroys the branch that supports his home and drags it to the window of Ema, a willful old woman with crooked fingers. After shattering the glass of the window with the blow of her body, Pajarito is forced to stay there and pay with work for the damage caused. During that stay, she will begin an internal journey that will lead her to remember who she is and, perhaps, who she wants to become.


Ananda Sibilia

Illustrator: Virginia Herrera B.

Reading Grade Level: K - 1ST

Type of Spanish Book: Authentic

Type of Book: Picture

Genre: Fiction

Pages: 48

Size: 10

Cover: Hard Cover

Year Published: 2019

Teaching and Learning Resources