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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

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Es mucho 7?

Regular price $17.99
Sale price $17.99

What is happiness? Where are ideas born? Why do wars exist? Where does fear come from? Can you live without rules? Is it too much 7? This is not a "book of questions", but an invitation to talk, search, think, discuss and listen to the other. It is a door to the "big" questions, those that have many answers... or none.


Spanish Description: ¿Qué es la felicidad? ¿Dónde nacen las ideas? ¿Por qué existen las guerras? ¿De dónde viene el miedo? ¿Se puede vivir sin reglas? ¿Es mucho 7? Este no es un “libro de preguntas”, sino una invitación a conversar, buscar, pensar, discutir y escuchar al otro. Es una puerta a las “grandes” preguntas, esas que tienen muchísimas respuestas… o ninguna.

English Description:

What is happiness? Where do ideas come from? Why do wars exist? Where does fear come from? Can you live without rules? Is 7 a lot? This is not a "book of questions", but an invitation to talk, search, think, discuss and listen to one another. It is a door to the "big" questions, those that have many answers ... or none.