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¡Estoy harta de todos!

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A sus trece años, Carolina está harta de todos: padres, hermanos y profesores del colegio, que pretenden obligarle a hacer cosas que no le gustan. Todos ellos parecen vivir en un mundo diferente al suyo; no respetan su forma de pensar y no comprenden que las cosas que le interesan no pueden ser juzgadas solo como novelerías propias de la edad del burro. Por eso, encuentra en su gato al único interlocutor con quien desahogar sus frustraciones, como la sufrida en su primer enamoramiento, que le llevará a aprender que el amor, como la gripe, da con fuerza pero se cura solo.

English Description:

At thirteen years old, Carolina is fed up with everyone: parents, siblings and school teachers, who try to force her to do things she doesn't like. They all seem to live in a different world than their own; they do not respect her way of thinking and they do not understand that the things that interest her cannot be judged only as novels typical of the age of the donkey. For this reason, she finds in her cat the only interlocutor with whom she can vent her frustrations, like the one she suffered in her first crush, which will lead her to learn that love, like the flu, hits hard. but it heals itself.

Publishing Details

Author : Soledad Cordova

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Chapter

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 128

Year Published: 2013

Instructional Details

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction, Realistic Fiction

Theme: Social Emotional, Romance, Identity, Family, Drama