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¡fushhh!: El Chorro de Inventos Súper Húmedos de Lonnie Johnson

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Mientras trataba de crear un sistema de enfriamiento para refrigeradores, Lonnie Johnson inventó sin quererlo el mecanismo de este emblemático juguete. Cuando era niño le encantaban los cohetes, los robots, todo tipo de inventos y, sobre todo, la creatividad. Gracias a su pasión y persistencia por resolver problemas, llegó a ser ingeniero y a trabajar para la NASA. Pero dio el gran salto a la fama cuando inventó la Súper Pistola de Agua. Su historia es presentada aquí por Chris Barton, autor de éxitos de ventas del New York Times, e ilustrada por Don Tate‚ ganador de numerosos premios.

English Description:

While trying to create a cooling system for refrigerators, Lonnie Johnson inadvertently invented the mechanism for this iconic toy. When he was a child he loved rockets, robots, all kinds of inventions and, above all, creativity. Thanks to his passion and persistence in solving problems, he became an engineer and worked for NASA. But he made the big leap to fame when he invented the Super Squirt Gun. His story is featured here by New York Times bestselling author Chris Barton and illustrated by award-winning Don Tate.

Publishing Details

Author : Chris Barton

Illustrator : Don Tate

Type of Spanish : Translated

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 32

Year Published: 2019

Instructional Details

Genre: Non-Fiction

Sub-Genre: Biography, Informational, Non-Fiction

Theme: Science

Lesson Plan Link: Link

Student Activity Link: Link