Las tres chanchitas ya terminaron la escuela y ahora quieren probarse a sí mismas y vivir en una casa propia. Pero no será tan fácil, pues no solo deberán superar la pena de echar de menos a sus papás, sino también deberán encontrar un lugar lindo pero seguro, aprender a organizarse y a superar sus miedos: ¿El Lobo Feroz será buen vecino?
English Description:
The three little pigs have already finished school and now they want to prove themselves and live in their own house. But it will not be that easy, because not only will they have to overcome the pain of missing their parents, but they will also have to find a nice but safe place, learn to organize themselves and overcome their fears: Will the Big Bad Wolf be a good neighbor?
Author : Neva Milicic, Jimena López de Lérida, Soledad López de Lérida
Illustrator : María José Olavarría
Type of Spanish : Authentic
Reading Grade Level: 1st
Genre: Fiction
Sub-Genre: Fiction
Theme: Family, Animals, Fables & Folktales