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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

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Historias Curiosas Para Palabras Misteriosas

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Este divertido libro encierra veintisiete pequeñas historias que hablan de hechos curiosos o misteriosos. Recorriendo los diferentes relatos encontraremos magos algo despistados, superhéroes en situaciones bastantes ridículas, artistas muy peculiares, inventos que aún no existen, objetos y libros con sorpresas incluidas… Para el autor el objetivo principal es que te diviertas leyendo esta obra y que al mismo tiempo amplíes tu vocabulario. Por esa razón, en cada uno de los microcuentos aparecen dos palabras misteriosas con sus significados. Además, el libro también está pensado para utilizarlo como un juego en grupo, cuando estés con tus amigos o tu familia, intentando adivinar los correspondientes significados de las "palabras misteriosas". 


English Description:

This fun book contains twenty-seven little stories that tell of curious or mysterious facts. Going through the different stories we will find somewhat clueless magicians, superheroes in quite ridiculous situations, very peculiar artists, inventions that do not yet exist, objects and books with surprises included ... For the author, the main objective is that you have fun reading this work and that at the same time expand your vocabulary. For that reason, in each of the micro-stories two mysterious words appear with their meanings. In addition, the book is also intended to be used as a group game, when you are with your friends or your family, trying to guess the corresponding meanings of the "mystery words".


Publishing Details

Author : Francisco Manuel Nuño del Valle 

Type of Spanish : Translated

Physical Details

Type of Book: Chapter

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 64

Year Published: 2018

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 5th

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction

Theme: Alphabet, Adventure