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Historias de Dorado y Sebastián

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Sale price $13.59

Dorado era un pez tan gordo que no entró en la pecera de Sebastián y por eso lo devolvieron al río. Entonces, todos los peces engordaron, pero los pescaron para comérselos. Dorado adelgazó y fue a parar a la pecera de Sebastián. Allí entristeció tanto, que Sebastián decidió devolverlo a su medio. Pero hay un problema: Sebastián todavía no habla bien y no sabe como indicárselo a sus padres.


English Description:

Dorado was such a big fish that it did not enter Sebastian's fish tank and that is why they returned it to the river. So, all the fish got fat, but they caught them to eat them. Dorado lost weight and ended up in Sebastian's fish tank. There he saddened so much, that Sebastian decided to return him to the middle of him. But there is a problem: Sebastian still doesn't speak well and doesn't know how to tell his parents.

Publishing Details

Author : Hernán Rodríguez

Illustrator : Eulalia Cornejo

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 24

Year Published: 2001

Instructional Details

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction

Theme: Social Emotional, Science, Nature, Imagination, Identity, Adventure, Equality, Enviroment, Disabilities