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Hola, Hombre Mosca

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Algunos niños tienen perros y otros tienen gatos, ¡pero Buzz tiene una mosca como mascota! En este primer libro de la hilarante serie, Buzz ingresa a su amigo alado en Amazing Pet Competition. Los jueces se burlan hasta que ven todos los trucos extraordinarios que puede hacer la pequeña mosca.
Humor increíble (y un poco asqueroso) en esta imaginativa serie sobre un niño y su amada mosca mascota. Buzz y Fly Guy tienen la amistad perfecta: son leales, curiosos y aventureros. ¡Fly Guy puede incluso decir el nombre de Buzz! Ya sea un partido de fútbol, un almuerzo escolar o un viaje por carretera, no hay forma de detener a este dúo. ¿Y no es de eso de lo que se trata la amistad?


English Description:

Some kids have dogs and some kids have cats, but Buzz has a pet fly! In this first book of the hilarious series, Buzz enters his winged buddy in the Amazing Pet Competition. The judges scoff until they see all the extraordinary tricks the little fly can do.
Series Information: Eye-popping illustrations bring incredible (and slightly gross) humor to this imaginative series about a boy and his beloved pet fly. Buzz and Fly Guy have the perfect friendship: They're loyal, curious, and adventurous. Fly Guy can even say Buzz's name! Whether it's a football game, a school lunch, or a road trip, there's no stopping this duo. And isn't that what friendship's all about?

Publishing Details

Author : Tedd Arnold

Type of Spanish : Translated

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 32

Year Published: 2008

Instructional Details

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction

Theme: Humor, Friendship, Animals