Iguanas ranas
Chana and Juana are similar in some traits, but in fact, they are very different. This story tells us about unconventional families united by love; and the tolerance and respect they deserve.
Spanish Description: Chana y Juana son similares en algunos rasgos, pero en realidad son muy diferentes. Esta historia nos habla acerca de familias poco convencionales unidas por el amor; y la tolerancia y el respeto que merecen.
Publishing Details
Author : Catalina Kühne Peimbert
Illustrator : Juan Gedovius
Type of Spanish : Authentic
Physical Details
Type of Book: Picture
Cover: Softcover
Pages: 32
Size: 25 x 25 cm
Year Published: 2023
Instructional Details
Reading Grade Level: Kindergarten
Genre: Fiction
Sub-Genre: Fiction
Theme: Animals, Family, Friendship