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Juan Verdades: The Man Who Couldn't Tell a Lie / El Hombre Que No Sabía Mentir

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Don Ignacio es un rico terrateniente cuya preciada posesión es un manzano que produce la fruta más deliciosa. Confía en que solo un hombre cuidará este árbol: su capataz Juan Verdades. ¡Don Ignacio también es un hombre orgulloso y deja que su orgullo lo lleve a una apuesta peligrosa! Le apuesta a un ranchero vecino en su rancho que Juan Verdades no puede decir una mentira. Su oponente está decidido a ganar la apuesta, usando la astucia y la ayuda de su hermosa hija para engañar a Juan Verdades para que robe toda la fruta del preciado manzano. ¿Podrá Juan Verdades decir la verdad sobre lo que ha hecho? El rancho depende de ello.


English Description:

Don Ignacio is a wealthy landowner whose prized possession is an apple tree that produces the most delicious fruit. He trusts that only one man will take care of this tree: his foreman Juan Truths. Don Ignacio is also a proud man and he lets his pride lead him to a dangerous gamble! He bets to a neighboring rancher on his ranch that Juan Verdades can't tell a lie. His opponent is determined to win the bet, using the cunning and help of his beautiful daughter to trick Juan Verdades into stealing all the fruit from the precious apple tree. Can Juan Verdades tell the truth about what he has done? The ranch depends on it.

Publishing Details

Author : Joe Hayes

Illustrator : Joseph Daniel Fiedler

Type of Spanish : Bilingual

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Softcover

Year Published: 2011

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 3rd

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction

Theme: Food, Conflict