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¡Juguemos al fútbol y al football!

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Carlos is not sure that his favorite sport can be played with an oval-shaped ball. Chris is not sure that it can be played with a round ball. It may not be a good idea to play with a kid who is so different! He doesn't even know how to play this game! Wait, it looks kind of fun! Let's give it a try!

Spanish Description: Carlos no está seguro de que su deporte favorito se pueda jugar con una pelota ovalada. Chris no está seguro de que se pueda jugar con una pelota redonda. ¡Quizás no sea una buena idea jugar con un niño que es tan diferente! ¡Ni siquiera sabe cómo jugar a este juego! ¡Espera, parece divertido! ¡Vamos a intentarlo!

Publishing Details

Author : René Colato Laínez

Illustrator : Lancman Ink

Author Nationality : El Salvador

Type of Spanish : Translated

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 32

Year Published: 2013

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: Pre-K / TK

Genre: Fiction

Theme: Friendship, Culture, Sports