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La casa de algún día

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Wilson sueña con todas las reparaciones que hay que hacerle a la casa de su amiga Gigi para que la anciana viva más cómodamente. Wilson les presenta su idea a varios miembros de su comunidad, entre ellos el bibliotecario, el heladero y el maestro. Finalmente, la casa de Gigi es seleccionada para participar en un proyecto de renovación de la comunidad, y todo el vecindario se junta para llevar a cabo un generoso acto de servicio comunitario.

English Description:

Wilson dreams about all the repairs he would like to make to his neighbor Gigi's house so that his elderly friend will be more comfortable. After Wilson discusses his plans with several members of his community (including a librarian, mail carrier, and teacher), Gigi's house is selected for a community renovation project, and the whole neighborhood comes together in a selfless act of community service.

Publishing Details

Author : Julia Durango

Illustrator : Bianca Diaz

Type of Spanish : Translated

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Softcover

Year Published: 2020

Instructional Details

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Realistic Fiction

Theme: Social Emotional, Friendship, Family, Community