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La casa del crimen

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Violeta tiene once años y debe seguir a su madre, que decide llevarla a vivir a un pueblo pequeño, lejos de su padre y de la modernidad, sin darle ninguna explicación. Allí conoce a Lautaro, un niño de su edad, quien se transforma en su único amigo. Juntos recorren el pueblo y él la lleva a conocer un bosque milenario y una casa abandonada, rodeada de misterios, a la que todos llaman la casa del crimen. Al mismo tiempo, y poco a poco, Violeta irá descubriendo episodios desconocidos de la vida de su familia, algunos de ellos ligados a la historia reciente del país, y desentrañará junto a Lautaro el enigma de la casa del crimen. Los niños se convertirán así en los protagonistas de los grandes cambios que sucederán en el lugar.

English Description:

Violeta is eleven years old and must follow her mother, who decides to take her to live in a small town, far from her father and modernity, without giving her any explanation. There he meets Lautaro, a boy his age, who becomes his only friend. Together they tour the village and he takes her to see a thousand-year-old forest and an abandoned house, surrounded by mysteries, which everyone calls the house of crime. At the same time, and little by little, Violeta will discover unknown episodes in her family's life, some of them linked to the recent history of the country, and will unravel the enigma of the house of crime together with Lautaro. The children will thus become the protagonists of the great changes that will take place in the place.

Publishing Details

Author : Alicia Barberis

Illustrator : Roger Ycaza

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Chapter

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 121

Year Published: 2009

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 5th

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction

Theme: Personal Narrative, Mystery, Friendship, Family, Drama, Community