La princesa Dara y su marido Rith, son dos increíbles ingenieros. Un día deciden construir un palacio de verano al rey, pero tres ministros de este, que tienen envidia de Rith porque quieren quedarse con la fortuna de Dara, no se lo pondrán fácil y conseguirán desterrar a Rith. ¿Qué ingeniosa trampa inventará Dara para demostrar su maldad?
English Description:
Princess Dara and her husband Rith are two amazing engineers. One day they decide to build a summer palace for the king, but three ministers of the king, who are envious of Rith because they want to keep Dara's fortune, will not make it easy for them and will succeed in banishing Rith. What ingenious trap will Dara invent to demonstrate her wickedness?
Author : Liz Flanagan
Illustrator : Martina Peluso
Type of Spanish : Authentic
Reading Grade Level: 3rd
Genre: Fiction
Sub-Genre: Fiction
Theme: Imagination, Adventure, Fables & Folktales