Los primeros en darse cuenta de que Inés no estaba fueron los pájaros. Daban vueltas piando y reclamando alrededor de la banca del bosque donde, cada tarde, la princesita se sentaba a tirarles trigo, arroz y alpiste. Los últimos que la vieron recordarían que iba entre las garras de un dragón. La desaparición de la princesa Inés es el punto de partida de este breve relato que describe la sagacidad de un paje, un aprendiz de escudero y un colibrí para traerla de vuelta al castillo. La travesía estará llena de peligros y retos, así que los tres valientes amigos tendrán que recurrir una y otra vez a su imaginación para enfrentar al temible dragón; sin embargo, pronto se darán cuenta de que éste es más astuto de lo que suponen y que la única manera de vencerlo es si consiguen hacerle las preguntas precisas.
English Description:
The first to realize that Inés was not there were the birds.They circled chirping and claiming around the forest bench where, every afternoon, the little princess sat down to throw them wheat, rice, and canary seed.The last ones who saw her would remember that she was in the clutches of a dragon.The disappearance of Princess Inés is the starting point for this short story that describes the sagacity of a page, an apprentice squire and a hummingbird to bring her back to the castle.The journey will be full of dangers and challenges, so the three brave friends will have to use their imagination again and again to face the fearsome dragon;however, they soon realize that he is more cunning than they think and that the only way to defeat him is if they manage to ask him the right questions.
Author : Alicia Molina
Illustrator : Carlos Vélez
Author Nationality : Mexico
Type of Spanish : Authentic
Reading Grade Level: 3rd
Genre: Fiction
Sub-Genre: Fiction
Theme: Romance, Imagination, Friendship, Family, Adventure, Animals, Fairy Tale, Fables & Folktales, Equality, Drama, Culture, Community
Teacher Comments: "Full of humor, entertainment, and you can't put it down."