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La misión de las ovejas guerreras

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En la granja de Eppingham reina la calma.Hasta que un día cae un objeto plateado del cielo. Y así comienza la misión de las OVEJAS GUERRERAS. Pero ¿quiénes son los hombres del coche amarillo y por qué las siguen? Las ovejas guerreras deberán tener cuidado si no quieren dejarse la...lana. ¡Una aventura beeestial!


English Description:

Calm reigns at Eppingham Farm. Until one day a silvery object falls from the sky. And so begins the mission of the WARRIOR SHEEP. But who are the men in the yellow car and why are they following them? The warrior sheep will have to be careful if they don't want to lose their...wool. A beestial adventure!

Publishing Details

Author : Christopher Russell

Illustrator : Cristine Russell

Type of Spanish : Translated

Physical Details

Type of Book: Chapter

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 199

Year Published: 2012

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 4TH - 5TH

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction

Theme: Nature, Adventure, Animals, Drama