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La Música del Mar

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Una historia sobre el poder de la esperanza y el lenguaje universal de la música. Daniel y su hija se quedan atrás cuando la tormenta azota su pequeño pueblo costero y se encuentran con un sorprendente giro de los acontecimientos. Limanda era un pequeño pueblo de pescadores. La vida allí era tranquila, y sus habitantes, principalmente pescadores, vivían felices recogiendo lo que les proporcionaba la tierra y el mar. Cuando una terrible tormenta destruye los cultivos y ahuyenta a los peces, todos quedaron devastados y decidieron abandonar su hogar para buscar un futuro próspero en otro lugar. Limanda estaba vacía, pero no del todo. Daniel, un pescador que sentía un profundo amor por su tierra, decidió quedarse, junto a su hija Marina, a pesar de saber que la vida en Limanda sería muy dura y solitaria. Decidido a hacer todo lo posible para cambiar su destino, una noche Daniel se escabulló de la casa para sorprender a Marina. Espera, ¿habías perdido la esperanza? La increíble música del mar siempre suena para cambiar el rumbo de la vida de quienes están dispuestos a escucharla.



English Description:

A story about the power of hope, and the universal language of music. Daniel and his daughter stay behind when the storm batters their little coastal village and find a surprising turn of events. Limanda was a tiny fishing village. Life was quiet there, and its inhabitants, mainly fishermen, lived happily gathering what the land and sea provided. When a terrible storm destroys the crops and drives the fish away, everyone was devastated and decided to leave their home to find a prosperous future elsewhere. Limanda was empty, but not entirely. Daniel, a fisherman who felt a deep love for his land, decided to stay, together with his daughter Marina, despite knowing that life in Limanda would be very hard and lonely. Determined to do his best to change his fate, one night Daniel sneaked out of the house to surprise Marina. Wait, had you lost hope? The incredible music of the sea always sounds to change the course of life of those who are willing to listen to it.

Publishing Details

Author : Susanna Isern

Illustrator : Marta Chicote

Author Nationality : Spain

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 24

Year Published: 2020

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 3RD - 4TH, 4TH - 5TH

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction

Theme: Nature, Music, Fairy Tale, Fables & Folktales, Environment, Culture