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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

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La ovejita que vino a cenar

Regular price $11.95
Sale price $11.95

En casa del viejo lobo hambriento siempre hay para cenar una miserable sopa de verduras. Pero una noche llaman a la puerta de su pequeña cabaña y resulta ser ni más ni menos que una pobre ovejita que se ha perdido. El lobo, entonces, empieza a pensar que esa noche va a poder llenarse el estómago con un delicioso estofado... Pero la ovejita no quiere ser la cena del lobo, ¡quiere ser su amiga!



English Description:

At the hungry old wolf's house there is always a miserable vegetable soup for dinner. But one night there is a knock on the door of his little cabin and it turns out to be neither more nor less than a poor little sheep that has been lost. The wolf, then, begins to think that that night he will be able to fill his stomach with a delicious stew ... But the sheep does not want to be the wolf's dinner, he wants to be his friend!