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La princesa zanahoria

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La Princesa Zanahoria es una entretenida historia de amor entre verduras. Como toda princesa, Zanahoria sueña con su príncipe vegetal, pero su padre tiene otros planes para ella, por suerte el Haba madrina, que nunca falla, vendrá a socorrerla. Con hermosas ilustraciones, este cuento en verso te invita a jugar con el lenguaje y recrearte con las lúdicas rimas.


English Description:

Princess Carrot is an entertaining love story between vegetables. Like any princess, Carrot dreams of her vegetable prince, but her father has other plans for her, luckily the Bean godmother, who never fails, will come to her aid. With beautiful illustrations, this story in verse invites you to play with language and recreate playful rhymes

Publishing Details

Author : Paulina Jara

Illustrator : Carmen Cardemil

Author Nationality : Chile

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Hardcover

Pages: 36

Size: 21.5 x 16 cm

Year Published: 2019

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 1st

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fantasy, Fiction

Theme: Nature, Humor, Family, Environment