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La travesia de Enrique

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 Basada en el libro homónimo para adultos, La Travesía de Enrique de Sonia Nazario está disponible en su versión adaptada para lectores jóvenes traducida al español por Ana Ras. Esta es la verdadera historia de Enrique, un adolescente hondureño que emprende un viaje arduo y peligroso en busca de su madre, quien se vio forzada a dejarlo de niño para marcharse a los Estados Unidos a trabajar. La historia de Enrique refleja la lucha diaria de los migrantes, legales e ilegales, y las complejas decisiones que enfrentan sólo por intentar sobrevivir y satisfacer las necesidades básicas de sus familias. Entretejidos con fluidez en este apasionante relato real para jóvenes, surgen interrogantes perfectos para debatir en el aula.



English Description:

Based on the homonymous book for adults, La Travesía de Enrique by Sonia Nazario is available in its adapted version for young readers translated into Spanish by Ana Ras. This is the true story of Enrique, a Honduran teenager who sets out on an arduous and dangerous journey in search of his mother, who was forced to leave him as a child to go to the United States to work. Enrique's story reflects the daily struggle of migrants, legal and illegal, and the complex decisions they face just trying to survive and meet the basic needs of their families. Fluidly woven into this gripping true story for young people, they are perfect questions to discuss in the classroom.

Publishing Details

Author : Sonia Nazario

Author Nationality : United States

Type of Spanish : Translated

Physical Details

Type of Book: Chapter

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 304

Year Published: 2015

Instructional Details

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction

Theme: Social Issues, Immigration, About POC, Family, Adventure, Fiction