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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.
Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

La velita de los cuentos

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Es el invierno de 1929, y los primos Hildamar y Santiago acaban de mudarse a la enorme y fría Nueva York, desde su Puerto Rico natal. A medida que se acerca el Día de los Reyes Magos, Hildamar y Santiago lloran la pérdida de su hogar soleado y se preguntan sobre su futuro en su ciudad adoptiva. Pero cuando la bibliotecaria llamada Pura Belpré llega a su salón de clases, los niños comienzan a comprender exactamente lo que una biblioteca puede significar para una comunidad. En este homenaje apropiado a una mujer notable, Lucía González y Lulu Delacre han capturado el efecto realmente sorprendente que Belpré tuvo en la ciudad de Nueva York.



It's the winter of 1929, and cousins ​​Hildamar and Santiago have just moved to huge, cold New York from their native Puerto Rico. As Three Kings Day approaches, Hildamar and Santiago mourn the loss of their sunny home and wonder about their future in their adopted city. But when the librarian named Pura Belpré comes into their classroom, the children begin to understand exactly what a library can mean to a community. In this fitting tribute to a remarkable woman, Lucía González and Lulu Delacre have captured the truly amazing effect that Belpré had on New York City.

Reading Grade Level: 2nd

Type of Spanish Book: Bilingual

Type of Book: Picture

Genre: Fiction

Pages: 32

Cover: Soft Cover

Year Published: 2013

Teaching and Learning Resources