Hay un sombrero al que no le gusta la cabeza que debe cubrir. Hay un zapato desesperado porque ha perdido a su compañera. Hay un lápiz que necesita dibujar, un cinturón al que le duelen los agujeros, un almohadón miedoso... Estos cuentos revelan un secreto bien guardado: la vida oculta de los objetos. Sus aventuras, sueños, peleas y amores cuando los humanos no podemos verlos.
English Description:
There is a hat that does not like the head that it must cover. There is a desperate shoe because he has lost his partner. There's a pencil that he needs to draw, a belt whose holes hurt, a scary cushion. These tales reveal a well-kept secret: the hidden life of objects. Their adventures, dreams, fights and loves when humans cannot see them.
Author : Andrea Ferrari
Author Nationality : Argentina
Type of Spanish : Authentic
Reading Grade Level: 2nd
Genre: Fiction
Sub-Genre: Fantasy, Fiction
Theme: Imagination, Adventure