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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

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Las hadas de Cottingley

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Elsie y Frances son primas imaginativas a las que les encanta jugar en el bosque y experimentar la magia del bosque. Un día, toman fotos de las hadas que ven y las arreglan para que las hadas sean más evidentes para los adultos. Las fotos atraen a gente curiosa de todas partes, pero las chicas pronto revelan sus artimañas. Sin embargo, ¿fue todo solo un engaño? Basado en una historia real, este libro encantador contado desde la perspectiva de Elsie despertará la imaginación de los lectores.

English Description:

Elsie and Frances are imaginative cousins who love to play in the woods and experience the magic of the forest. One day, they take photos of the fairies they see, doctoring the photos to make the fairies more evident to adults. The photos bring curious people from all over, but the girls soon reveal their trickery. Was it all just a hoax though? Based on a true story, this enchanting book told from Elsie's perspective will tug on readers' imaginations.

Publishing Details

Author : Ana Sender

Author Nationality : Spain

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Hardcover

Pages: 40

Year Published: 2017

Instructional Details

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fantasy, Fiction

Theme: Imagination, Friendship, Family

Lesson Plan Link: Link