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Las monedas mágicas

Regular price $13.59
Sale price $13.59

El abuelo de Hernán tiene una hermosa colección de monedas. Un día en que debe salir de viaje, le recomienda a su nieto que no las toque, pero Hernán no resiste la tentación y se pone a jugar con ellas. Todas le gustas, pero hay tres que le llaman mucho la atención.Llevado por la curiosidad, Hernán descubre que esas monedas poseen extraños poderes…



English Description:

Hernán's grandfather has a beautiful collection of coins. One day when he has to go on a trip, he recommends his grandson not to touch them, but Hernán cannot resist the temptation and starts playing with them. He likes you all, but there are three that really catch his attention. Driven by curiosity, Hernán discovers that these coins have strange powers…

Publishing Details

Author : Martín Blasco

Illustrator : Carlos Bulzomi

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Chapter

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 64

Year Published: 2010

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 3rd

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fantasy, Fiction

Theme: Imagination, Family, Adventure

Teacher Comments: "This book keeps students thinking what will the next coin's powers bring! I think this book can be great for book study or guided reading for students to learn about sequence of events and create writing responses about the story."