Todos los niños en la escuela de Lola eran de otro lado. La suya era una escuela de lugares lejanos. Entonces, cuando la maestra de Lola les pide a los alumnos que dibujen dónde emigraron sus familias, todos los niños están entusiasmados. Excepto Lola. No puede recordar La Isla, se fue cuando era solo un bebé. Pero con la ayuda de su familia y amigos, y sus recuerdos, alegres, fantásticos, desgarradores y atemorizantes, la imaginación de Lola la lleva a un extraordinario viaje de regreso a La Isla. A medida que se acerca al corazón de la historia de su familia, Lola llega a comprender la verdad de las palabras de su abuela: Solo porque no recuerdes un lugar no significa que no esté en ti.
English Description:
Every kid in Lola's school was from somewhere else. Hers was a school of faraway places. So when Lola's teacher asks the students to draw a picture of where their families immigrated from, all the kids are excited. Except Lola. She can't remember The Island--she left when she was just a baby. But with the help of her family and friends, and their memories--joyous, fantastical, heartbreaking, and frightening--Lola's imagination takes her on an extraordinary journey back to The Island. As she draws closer to the heart of her family's story, Lola comes to understand the truth of her abuela's words: Just because you don't remember a place doesn't mean it's not in you.
Author : Junot Diaz
Illustrator : Leo Espinosa
Author Nationality : Dominican Republic
Type of Spanish : Translated
Reading Grade Level: 2nd
Genre: Fiction
Sub-Genre: Fiction
Theme: Social Emotional, School, Migration, Immigration, Imagination, Hispanic Heritage Month, Family