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Los bigotes del rey

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Un rey vago, goloso, caprichoso y prepotente impone a su pueblo dictámenes absurdos, todos dirigidos a satisfacer su vanidad. Cuando a él, tan lampiño, se le ocurre tener un bigote negro, tupido y bien largo, ni médico ni brujo ni boticario (ni medicina ni brebaje ni jarabe) logran ese propósito. Pero el pueblo, con mucha inventiva, aprovecha el conocimiento de las debilidades de su rey para lograr liberarse de su dominio.

English Description:

A lazy, greedy, capricious and arrogant king imposes absurd opinions on his people, all aimed at satisfying his vanity. When he, so hairless, comes up with a thick, long, black mustache, neither a doctor nor a witch doctor nor an apothecary (neither medicine nor concoction nor syrup) achieve that purpose. But the people, with much inventiveness, take advantage of the knowledge of their king's weaknesses to free themselves from his domination.

Publishing Details

Author : Sylvia Álvarez

Illustrator : Bladimir Trejo

Author Nationality : Puerto Rico

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 24

Year Published: 2006

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 2nd

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction, Traditional Literature

Theme: Social Studies, Social Emotional, Humor, Fables & Folktales