Maya y Annie son amigas que juegan juntas los sábados y domingos. Hacen limonada con limones del gran árbol en el patio de Annie, y juegan con los dos perritos de Maya. A Maya le gustan las diferentes comidas que prepara el padre de Annie: fideos, arroz, pescado y albóndigas. Y a Annie le gusta comer cenas que prepara la mamá de Maya: tacos, pollo, tamales y arroz y frijoles. Los fines de semana son especiales porque las niñas no se ven en los días escolares. El padre de Annie las lleva a la playa y nadan, hacen castillos de arena y atrapan cangrejos con redes. En el carnaval, con la madre de Maya, van a dar miedo, comen algodón de azúcar, juegan y ganan premios. ¡No quieren que termine el fin de semana! Una noche especial, el padre de Annie y la madre de Maya invitan a sus abuelos, tías, tíos y primos a una gran cena y hacen un anuncio especial: ¡se van a casar! Las chicas se convertirán en hermanas y pasarán juntas todos los días de la semana.
English Description:
Maya and Annie are friends who play together on Saturdays and Sundays. They make lemonade with lemons from the big tree in Annie's yard, and they play with Maya's two little dogs. Maya likes the different foods Annie's father prepares: noodles, rice, fish, and meatballs. And Annie likes to eat dinners that Maya's mom makes: tacos, chicken, tamales, and rice and beans. Weekends are special because girls are not seen on school days. Annie's father takes them to the beach and they swim, build sandcastles, and catch crabs with nets. At the carnival, with Maya's mother, they are going to be scary, they eat cotton candy, they play games and they win prizes. They don't want the weekend to end! On a special night, Annie's father and Maya's mother invite their grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins to a great dinner and make a special announcement: they are getting married! The girls will become sisters and spend together every day of the week.
Author : Gwendolyn Zepeda
Illustrator : Thelma Muraida
Author Nationality : United States
Type of Spanish : Bilingual
Reading Grade Level: 1st
Genre: Fiction
Sub-Genre: Fiction, Realistic Fiction
Theme: Romance, Friendship, Family, Community