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Los Superhéroes Están En Todas Partes

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Before Kamala Harris became a lawyer, senator and vice president of the United States, she was a child who loved superheroes. And when he looked for them around him, he was surprised to find them everywhere! There were them in his family, among his friends, even on his own street; superheroes were everywhere she looked. And those superheroes taught him that all it takes to be a superhero is to do your best. In this motivating and expressive memoir, which goes straight to the hearts of children, Kamala Harris takes readers through her life, and shows them that the power to achieve a better world is within each of us.

Spanish Description: Antes de que Kamala Harris se convirtiera en abogada, senadora y vicepresidenta de Estados Unidos, fue una niña a la que le encantaban los superhéroes. Y cuando los buscaba a su alrededor, ¡se sorprendía al encontrarlos en todas partes! Los había en su familia, entre sus amigos, incluso en su misma calle; los superhéroes estaban dondequiera que ella miraba. Y esos superhéroes le enseñaron que todo lo que se necesita para ser un superhéroe es dar lo mejor de ti. En esta motivadora y expresiva memoria, que va directa al corazón de los niños, Kamala Harris lleva a los lectores a través de su vida, y les muestra que el poder para lograr un mundo mejor está dentro de cada uno de nosotros.

Publishing Details

Author : Kamala Harris

Illustrator : Mechal Renee Roe

Author Nationality : United States

Type of Spanish : Translated

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Hardcover

Pages: 40

Year Published: 2019

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 1st

Genre: Non-Fiction

Sub-Genre: Autobiography, Non-Fiction

Theme: Social Studies, School, Community, Women in History, Social Issues, Identity, About POC, Fiction, Black History