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Los valientes caballeros

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Intrépidos, audaces, osados, atrevidos y caballeros. ¡Muy caballeros! Tanto que harán lo que sea por salvar a la pobre princesa desaparecida. O algo así. Una divertida historia donde diez intrépidos caballeros se disponen a salvar a una delicada princesa. Pero, en el camino, uno a uno van sufriendo los más disparatados accidentes, hasta que no queda ninguno que cumpla con la misión. ¿Qué pasará con la dama?


English Description:

Intrepid, bold, daring, daring and gentlemen. Very gentlemen! So much so that they will do anything to save the poor missing princess. Or something like that. A funny story where ten intrepid knights set out to save a delicate princess. But, along the way, one by one they suffer the most crazy accidents, until there is no one left to fulfill the mission. What will happen to the lady?

Publishing Details

Author : Fran Pintadera

Illustrator : Luciano Lozano

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Hardcover

Pages: 32

Year Published: 2018

Instructional Details

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction, Traditional Literature

Theme: Romance, Humor, Adventure, Fairy Tale, Equality, Drama

Lesson Plan Link: Link