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Los zapaticos de Rosa

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Otra historia en verso. Pilar y su madre van a la playa; la niña debe cuidar sus zapaticos de rosa (rosados). Ya en la playa, encuentra a una niña triste, enferma y sin zapatos. Pilar no duda un minuto y se los obsequia.


English Description:

Another story in verse. Pilar and her mother go to the beach; The girl must take care of her pink shoes. Already on the beach, she finds a sad, sick girl without shoes. Pilar doesn't hesitate a minute and gives them to him.

Publishing Details

Author : José Martí

Illustrator : Tania Márquez

Author Nationality : Cuba

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 24

Year Published: 2003

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 1st

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction, Poetry

Theme: Social Emotional, Personal Narrative