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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.
Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Lost in translation

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La euforia indescriptible que experimentas cuando te enamoras, la pila de libros que tienes por leer, el acto de acariciar con ternura el cabello de la persona que amas y otras muchas delicias lingüísticas procedentes de todas partes del mundo son el punto de partida de esta apasionante exploración de las sutilezas del lenguaje. Lost in translation brinda, con sus ilustraciones a tinta, innumerables matices a palabras intraducibles. Palabras de belleza esquiva que recorren el espectro de la experiencia humana y nos recuerdan que "estamos fundamental e intrínsecamente unidos a cada una de las personas de este planeta a través de los sentimientos y del lenguaje".



The indescribable euphoria you experience when you fall in love, the pile of books you have to read, the act of tenderly stroking the hair of the person you love and many other linguistic delights from all over the world are the starting point of this exciting exploration of the subtleties of language. Lost in translation brings innumerable nuances to untranslatable words with its ink illustrations. Words of elusive beauty that run the gamut of human experience and remind us that "we are fundamentally and intrinsically linked to every single person on this planet through feelings and language."

Reading Grade Level: 4TH - 5TH, 6TH - 8TH

Type of Spanish Book: Translated

Type of Book: Picture

Genre: Fiction

Pages: 120

Size: 11

Cover: Hard Cover

Year Published: 2016

Teaching and Learning Resources