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Malena Ballena

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Malena, es una niña un poco rellenita. A ella se le da muy bien nadar, pero no le gusta, porque debido a que está un poco gordita, cuando se tira a la piscina salpica, y los demás niños se meten con ella llamándola ballena.



English Description:

Malena, is a little chubby girl. She is very good at swimming, but she does not like it, because because she is a bit chubby, when she is pulled into the pool she splashes, and the other children mess with her calling her a whale.

Publishing Details

Author : Davide Cali

Illustrator : Sonja Bougaeva

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Hardcover

Pages: 32

Year Published: 2010

Instructional Details

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction

Theme: Social Issues, Social Emotional, Nature, Identity, Friendship, Animals, Bullying