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Mama, Por Que Nadie Es Como Nosotros?

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Cada familia tiene características diferentes: algunos hablan de manera especial o tienen creencias o costumbres diferentes a las nuestras. Al leer este libro, los niños podrán darse cuenta de que, a pesar de las similitudes y diferencias entre familias, todos tenemos los mismos derechos. Pescetti aborda un tema delicado y crea un libro que es tan divertido como educativo. Ideal para trabajar en educación para la paz en las escuelas.



English Description:

Each family has different characteristics: some speak in a special way or have beliefs or customs different from ours. By reading this book, children will realize that despite the similarities and differences between families, we all have the same rights. Pescetti tackles a sensitive topic and creates a book that is as fun as it is educational. Ideal for working on peace education in schools.

Publishing Details

Author : Luis Maria Pescetti

Illustrator : Luca Mancilla Prieto

Author Nationality : Argentina

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Softcover

Year Published: 2017

Instructional Details

Genre: Non-Fiction

Sub-Genre: Informational, Non-Fiction

Theme: Social Issues, Family, Equality