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Maximiliano Cordoba loves stories, especially the legend Buelo tells him about a mythical gatekeeper who can guide brave travelers on a journey into tomorrow. If Max could see tomorrow, he would know if he'd make Santa Maria's celebrated futbol team and whether he'd ever meet his mother, who disappeared when he was a baby. He longs to know more about her, but Papa won't talk. So, when Max uncovers a buried family secret -- involving an underground network of guardians who lead people fleeing a neighboring country to safety -- he decides to seek answers on his own. With a treasured compass, a mysterious stone rubbing, and Buelo's legend as his only guides, he sets out on a perilous quest to discover if he is true of heart and what the future holds. This timeless tale of struggle, hope, and the search for tomorrow has much to offer today about compassion and our shared humanity.

Spanish Description: A Maximiliano Cordoba le encantan las historias, especialmente la leyenda que le cuenta Buelo sobre un mitico guardian que ayuda a los viajeros valientes de corazon puro en un viaje a la tierra del manana.Si Max pudiera ver el manana, sabria si lo aceptaran en el famoso club de futbol de Santa Maria y si alguna vez encontrara a su madre, quien desaparecio cuando el era bebe. Quiere saber mas de ella, pero su papa no quiere hablar; asi que cuando Max descubre un secreto familiar que involucra una red subterranea de guardianes que ayudan a la gente a huir a la seguridad del pais vecino, decide buscar las respuestas por su cuenta.

Publishing Details

Author : Pam Muñoz Ryan

Type of Spanish : Translated

Physical Details

Type of Book: Chapter

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 288

Size: 5.25 x 7.5 in

Year Published: 2020

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 5th

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Realistic Fiction

Theme: Identity, Adventure, Culture, Fables & Folktales, Migration