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Marisol McDonald no combina

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Marisol McDonald tiene el pelo rojo llameante y la piel castaña. Los lunares y las rayas son su combinación favorita. Ella prefiere los burritos de mantequilla de maní y mermelada en su lonchera. Y ni se te ocurra pedirle que elija una u otra actividad en el recreo. Será una princesa pirata que juega fútbol, ​​muchas gracias. Para Marisol McDonald, estas cosas aparentemente incompatibles tienen mucho sentido juntas. Desafortunadamente, no siempre tienen sentido para todos los demás. Otras personas arrugan la nariz confundidas con Marisol. ¿No puede ser ella una o la otra? Por más que lo intente, en un mundo donde todos intentan meter a esta chica birracial, peruano-escocesa-estadounidense en una caja, Marisol McDonald no coincide. Y eso está bien con ella.



English Description:

Marisol McDonald has flaming red hair and brown skin. Polka dots and stripes are her favorite combination. She prefers peanut butter and jelly burritos in her lunch box. And don't even think about asking her to choose one or another activity at recess. It will be a pirate princess who plays soccer, thank you very much. For Marisol McDonald, these seemingly incompatible things make a lot of sense together. Unfortunately, they don't always make sense to everyone else. Other people wrinkle their noses in confusion for Marisol. Can't she be one or the other? Try as she might, in a world where everyone tries to put this biracial, Peruvian-Scottish-American girl in a box, Marisol McDonald doesn't match. And that's fine with her.

Publishing Details

Author : Mónica Brown

Illustrator : Sara Palacios

Author Nationality : United States

Type of Spanish : Bilingual

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Hardcover

Pages: 32

Year Published: 2018

Instructional Details

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction, Realistic Fiction

Theme: Identity, Hispanic Heritage Month, About POC, Bullying, Community, Fiction

Author Talk: Link

Lesson Plan Link: Link

Student Activity Link: Link