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Maroma y la mariposa roja

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Maroma es un gato amarillo y atigrado que vive en la calle. Un día encuentra a Luisa, una niña que lo lleva a su casa y comienza a cuidarlo. Lo que Luisa no sabe es que Maroma tiene un secreto: no ve bien, o mejor dicho, ve las cosas de manera distinta a los demás, y eso a veces le trae problemas, sobre todo cuando se trata de perseguir todos los objetos rojos que le recuerdan a su flor-mariposa perdida.



English Description:

Maroma is a yellow tabby cat who lives on the street. One day he meets Luisa, a girl who takes him home and begins to take care of him. What Luisa does not know is that Maroma has a secret: he does not see well, or rather, he sees things differently from others, and that sometimes causes problems, especially when it comes to chasing all the red objects that they remind him of his lost flower-butterfly.

Publishing Details

Author : Ana María Machado

Illustrator : Flavia Zorrilla

Author Nationality : Brazil

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 47

Year Published: 2014

Instructional Details

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fantasy, Fiction

Theme: Mystery, Animals