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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

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Me llamo Gabito: La vida de Gabriel García Márquez

Regular price $15.95
Sale price $15.95

¿Te imaginas a un marinero naufragado que vive en el aire y las algas durante ocho días? ¿Te imaginas un rastro de mariposas amarillas que agitan sus alas con canciones de amor? Una vez, había un niño llamado Gabito que podía. Gabriel García Márquez es quizás uno de los escritores más brillantes de nuestro tiempo. Es una figura tremenda, enormemente talentoso y admirado. Esta es su historia, contada con amor, para que la disfruten los niños. Usando las imágenes de sus novelas, Mónica Brown rastrea la vida del novelista en este creativo libro de ficción, desde su infancia en Colombia hasta hoy.


English Description:

Can you imagine a shipwrecked sailor living in air and algae for eight days? Can you imagine a trail of yellow butterflies flapping their wings with love songs? Once, there was a boy named Gabito who could. Gabriel García Márquez is perhaps one of the most brilliant writers of our time. He is a tremendous figure, enormously talented and admired. This is his story, told with love, for children to enjoy. Using images from her novels, Mónica Brown traces the novelist's life in this creative fiction book, from her childhood in Colombia to today.