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Me visto de negro y qué

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A Daniela le gusta vestirse de negro, le gusta componer canciones rockeras y no le gusta que la llamen Dani. En el colegio varios compañeros de su curso molestan en los recreos a Tomás, su hermano menor, especialmente Camilo, quien descorazonadamente se burla de él. Tomás es muy inteligente y pareciera que estas cosas le resbalan... Un libro en el que el bullying se presenta como un tema fundamental de tratar en las familias y en los ambientes escolares.


English Description:

Daniela likes to dress in black, she likes to compose rock songs and she doesn't like being called Dani. At school, several of her classmates bother Tomás, her younger brother, at recess, especially Camilo, who heartlessly makes fun of him. Tomás is very intelligent and it seems that these things slip by him...  A book in which bullying is presented as a fundamental issue to deal with in families and in school environments.

Publishing Details

Author : Roberto Fuentes

Illustrator : Fabián Rivas

Author Nationality : Chile

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Chapter

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 56

Year Published: 2021

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 3rd

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction, Realistic Fiction

Theme: Social Emotional, Identity, Family, Bullying, Community