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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.
Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Menudos bichos

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Este libro recrea el juego de hacer pases con la mano sobre el cuerpo del bebé: mitad caricia, mitad fiesta, mitad suspenso, mitad cosquillas. Es un juego de reconocimiento del propio cuerpo, y también de los bichos que se van nombrando. Las ilustraciones cercanas permiten a los niños que se identifiquen con las imágenes y que reconozcan los insectos de su ambiente cotidiano.



As you read this book about each of the unique insects, you can also interact with the small child you are reading it too.Walk your fingers up their arm like the ant, tickle their face like the moth, and buzz in their ear like a bee.The illustrations allow children to identify with the images and recognize the insects in their everyday environment.

Reading Grade Level: PreK - K

Type of Spanish Book: Authentic

Type of Book: Board

Genre: Fiction

Pages: 16

Size: 16 x 16 cm

Cover: Board

Year Published: 2018

Teaching and Learning Resources