Ciertamente no es una sirena y tampoco una chica de cabellos largos y ojos grandes… ¿o si? Por lo pronto, tienes ante ti a uno de los mamíferos acuáticos más bonachones y simpáticos: el manatí. Este libro no solo es divertido, sino que contiene todo lo que quieres saber sobre este sorprendente animal.
English Description:
She is certainly not a mermaid and neither is she a girl with long hair and big eyes… is she? For now, you have before you one of the most good-natured and friendly aquatic mammals: the manatee. This book is not only fun, it contains everything you want to know about this amazing animal.
Author : Emma Romeu
Illustrator : Fabricio Vanden Broeck, Luis Sánchez Vigil
Type of Spanish : Translated
Reading Grade Level: 1st
Genre: Non-Fiction
Sub-Genre: Informational, Non-Fiction
Theme: Oceans, Nature, Animals, Environment