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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

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Mi cuerpo habla

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Este libro es una invitación a los más pequeños a explorar las diferentes partes del cuerpo a través de gestos y acciones. Peinarse, sacar la lengua o mirarse el ombligo, invitan al niño o niña en cada página a experimentar con su propio cuerpo. Puede jugar solo o acompañado, pero lo mejor es cuando todos participan, ya sea con amigos o con la familia. La ilustradora, Margarita Valdés, adopta el punto de vista de los pequeños con un estilo sutil y delicado para que no olviden que el descubrimiento del mundo empieza con su propio cuerpo.


English Description:

This book is an invitation to the little ones to explore the different parts of the body through gestures and actions.Combing their hair, sticking out their tongue or looking at their navel, invite the child on each page to experiment with their own body.You can play alone or with others, but the best is when everyone participates, either with friends or with family.The illustrator, Margarita Valdés, adopts the point of view of the little ones with a subtle and delicate style so that they do not forget that the discovery of the world begins with their own body.

Publishing Details

Author : Patricia Fernández Biebarach

Illustrator : Margarita Valdés

Author Nationality : Chile

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Board

Cover: Board

Pages: 24

Size: 15 x 15 cm

Year Published: 2018

Instructional Details

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction, Informational

Theme: Identity, Family