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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

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Regular price $20.99
Sale price $20.99

«Ser gato y ser curioso son dos cosas casi inseparables. Moustache era un gato elegante, refinado y guapo, un gato con buenos modales y muy coqueto». Pero un día sus preciados bigotes se quemaron con tanta curiosidad. ¡Horror! ¿Qué hará Moustache? Quizás unos bigotes postizos sean la solución… O quizás la solución esté en la mano de un niño igual de curioso.


English Description:

«Being a cat and being curious are two almost inseparable things. Mustache was an elegant, refined and handsome cat, a cat with good manners and very flirtatious. But one day his precious whiskers were burned with such curiosity. Horror! What will Mustache do? Perhaps some false mustaches are the solution... Or perhaps the solution lies in the hands of an equally curious child.